Young star Rabya Kulsoom delivers a poignant message with her hilarious Eid Sketch. It is a short story, but its message is essential and vital. It starts with Meena (Rabya Kulsoom) conversing with herself. Her mind and her ego battle for attention.

Do I need new clothes for this Eid? We won’t be visiting anywhere, no, I don’t need any new clothes, she says out loud. \

But suddenly then her ego appears. What about Instagram, she asks. While it is done in a humorous and fun manner, it points towards an absolute pressure even people feel to keep their social media feeds running.

This leads to the eventual and expected break down. Meena does end up going for shopping and soon finds herself breaking the social distancing guidelines. In the end, we see that the government has decided to shut down malls and shops as the public wasn’t adhering to the official operative procedures.

The Eid sketch is a beautifully executed story. The production, the sound, the story, everything works. However, what really makes this video fun is Rabya Kulsoom’s dual act. Needless to say, she nails both characters. With the “you” character, she is well slightly anxious, indecisive, and confused. Her tone of voice, expression, and mannerism, depict that state of mind wonderfully well. Whereas the ego character comes across as more aggressive and forceful. She does that well too. So from angrily chopping of vegetables to dreamy eyes, she is, as they say, killing it.

All of us are fighting our own battles during this time. Some face very pressing financial and health issues. While others might have to deal with less apparent psychological problems. We were so set in our routines. Our work, our friendships, our celebrations, and our entertainment, everything came to an all too sudden halt. Yet we have to follow the expert advice. No celebration, occasion or social pressure is worth putting our own life, or of those, we love at risk.

Even though we are past Eid, the message still holds, and the video is entertaining with many relatable quips all along.


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